The capital:
The capital city of Dhaka, the heart of Bangladesh, is a colorful and thriving metropolis with about 14 million people. Known as the the city of mosques, muslin and colorful rickshaws, Dhaka has attracted travelers from around the would for centuries. The Moghul viceroy of Bengal founded the city in 1608 A.D. Today Dhaka boasts modern architecture while still bearing vestiges of its exciting past.Dhakas main waterfront, Sadarghat, is on the bank of the river Buriganga where all kinds of water transport vehicles from yachts to steamers connect the capital with rest of the country through the network of rivers in the Ganges delta. Dhaka has several hundreds historic mosques. Prominent among them are: The seven-dome mosque (17th century), Baitul Mukaram (National Mosque), Star Mosque (18th century), Husseini Dalan Mosque. Among other historic places of worship are the famous Dhakeshwari Temple (12th century), Armenian Church (1781 century).
Places to be visited:
1. Lal bag Fort 2. Ahsan Manjil 3. Central Shahid Minar 4. National Memorial 5. National Musuem 6. Mukti Juddha Museum 7. National Parliament house 8. Shankhari Bazar 9. Dhaka Zoological Garden 10. Sonargaon